Manger Mondays

We really enjoyed our Truth in the Tinsel Advent activities this year. It really brought a peace, focus and depth to our holiday season this year that I’m truly thankful for. It inspired my Manger Mondays Advent series where we had tons of great posts and bloggers link up so I thought I’d put all 4 weeks in one easy to access place. I hope you’re as blessed as I am, and is never too early to start thinking about next year! 😉

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

5 thoughts on “Manger Mondays

  1. I couldn’t get this work either. I was hoping you would be a rescue. I am doing to old tradition which my mom did with me of the Elf. Now Elf growing up wasn’t so adventurous as today however my children’s Elf is crazy and I want to introduce more of Christ into it. I see several blogs doing Truth and Tinsel but I need to plan ahead. Yes I have some craft stuff on hand like paper and paint but that is really it. I am also on a really tight budget so I have to be careful. I would appreciate any help you are will to share. PS great blog/web page!

    1. I am so sorry for the problems! I’m not really sure why the links aren’t working. I’ll check more into that now. Meanwhile, here is a link that will take you to every post I’ve written about Truth in the Tinsel, including the first year where I include pics of our crafts and how we modified some of them. That link is:

      Another way to keep is super simple and cheap is to download the printable ornaments. They are only $3.99, and once you buy them they are yours forever and you can use them with your kids each year. You can buy those here (for the sake of transparency, this is an affiliate link)” target=”ejejcsingle

      If you have any other questions, don’t hesitate to ask! One of the things I love about Truth in the Tinsel is that it is so flexible and specifically designed to be fuss-free. You can really change or modify however you need to to suit your needs.

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