Giveaways · Irish

A Wee Bit O’ Irish {GIVEAWAY!!} (updated)


Congrats to our winners: Donna and Joyce! I have emailed you. 🙂

Living in rural Ireland, as you might imagine, can be just as idyllic as is sounds. Lush green hills, rugged coastline, lilting voices, vibrant music.

The area in which we live is a hotbed for culture, language and arts. Music, creativity, and arts of all genre – music, dance, painting, knitting, pottery, weaving, word crafting, and more – is highly valued. And celebrated. This area is renowned nation, and world, wide for it’s festivals, concerts and artsy vibe.

You’ve heard me talk many times about how much of our life happens over cups of tea and coffee; in a place where personal relationships still hold precedence over accomplishing tasks. And you’ve heard me mention numerous times about our favorite little cafe which we frequent.

What you might not know is that that amazing little cafe is located in the back of an entire craft village! This village houses several artisans all creating and selling their wares. One of our favorite shops, and one of the favorites of those who come to visit us, is An Spailpín Fánach (translates to The Migrant Worker).

This shop started selling badges (lapel pins) 30+ years ago. They traveled around in their caravan selling these Irish-Language badges at festivals, concerts and summer language camps. Over the years they have expanded their inventory to home decor, t-shirts, cards, stickers, etc.

Tourists love this shop because they can take home a piece of the culture – and language – to stump show their friends. He he. Locals love this shop because they can give gifts that reflect their heart language, and support local business.

Well, An Spailpín Fánach has just launched their new website and its worldwide! That means that you can now get a piece of their awesomeness without the expense of a transatlantic ticket! I mean, just look at some of these gorgeous items:

How gorgeous are these throw cushion covers?

Celtic Spiral cushion covers
Celtic Spiral cushion covers

You can also get some great Irish music!

Rosin Elsafty - a truly silky smooth voice carrying lilting tunes. Oh, and I know her. She's full of awesome.
Rosin Elsafty – a truly silky smooth voice carrying lilting tunes. Oh, and I know her. She’s full of awesome.

There’s much, much more on their site. You simply must go check them out! One thing I love is that they are the only Irish-language merchandise shop online that is fully bi-lingual! That’s right, you can experience their site in full Irish, or English! Seriously. It’s rad.

Now, the very best part! An Spailpín Fánach has generously donated two t-shirts for two of our awesome readers to win!! We have one of these:

Irish Place-name T-shirt
Irish Place-name T-shirt

This regular-fit tee has place names of Irish cities and towns in Irish, in the shape of a map of Ireland! We have one of these in this lovely moss green color, size XL to giveaway!

And we have one of these:

"Miss Happy" fitted tee
“Miss Happy” fitted tee

This adorable teal fitted tee donning “Ms. Sona Sasta” (Ms. Happy) in teal. We have one of these in size L to give away!

There are many ways to enter:

* MANDATORY ENTRY: Visit An Spailpín Fánach online. Leave a comment telling me which item from their website you like the most.
* Easy entry for all An Spailpín Fánach fans on Facebook!
* Easy entry for all This Gal’s Journey fans on Facebook!
* Follow me on Twitter.
* Subscribe to This Gal’s Journey via email or RSS.
* Tweet about this giveaway (do this once a day!) You can copy and paste this into your tweet: Win a wee bit o’ Irish loot from @thisgalsjourney ! 
* Share this giveaway on Facebook/Pintrest/Your blog.

Simply leave a separate comment for each entry you complete. Be sure to leave me your email address in your comments (you can write your email in this format: name at hotmail dot com). I will then use a random number generator to pick the two winners!

Entries close at midnight EST, Tuesday, December 11.

Open to US/CAN residents only.
Good luck, and have fun gettin’ your Irish on!

I’ve linked this post up with The Better Mom, Time Warp Wife

29 thoughts on “A Wee Bit O’ Irish {GIVEAWAY!!} (updated)

  1. I have actually set foot on the ground in Ireland, I was 9 and on the way to Germany to live for two years (dad was in the Air Force)- we stopped at Shannon for a couple of hours and then went on. I’ve never been back -yet! But my love of all things Celtic will get me there in time, Jennifer!

  2. My favorite is a Tshirt The Eye of a friend – Síul Carad. I’d like it in charcoal.
    Troubled mind these days. I’m finding it hard to work up any enthusiasm for Christmas because of it. My family needs me to be joyful . Pray for me ?

  3. Those pillow covers are awesome! Although I married into my Irish name, we are Irish through and through :0).Well, okay there is Scotch, German, Italian, and French in me as well, but the Irish won out in my kiddos! Ask them what they “are” and they say Irish New Yawkas!

  4. Oh my – I LOVE some of those sayings on the hoodies….. would love to get the “there’ll never be the likes of me again” for my 110% irish husband 😉 and the one that says “bold boy” – love it, we started using bold for naughty thanks to hanging around the irish grandparents! Book marked the site for future reference!

  5. I would love any of the Irish music (I used to Irish dance, and would love to get back into it!) or the basic Irish course…or pretty much any of the clothes, haha! If I can also just say…I wish I lived in Ireland! My husband keeps saying we are going to retire there so here’s hoping!

  6. Let’s see… I really love their blue “you’ll never see the likes of me” hoodie- my in laws gave it to me several Christmases ago, and I love it- so comfy! It is way too small of a world- my father-in-law and brother-in-law both used to have wood turning shops in this very same craft center. The cafe is delicious and amazing!

      1. Very much so- my in laws go to the cafe at least once a week for cappucinos! It’s so small, you;ve probably been in there at the same time :). P.S- Do you think Coon Kleen would do a giveaway? BC their candles smell amazing and are my favorite! 🙂

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