
How I Curl My Hair: Beachy Waves

Ok, guys. Yes, I’m about to do a post about my hair. I don’t normally do “beauty” posts, and certainly not tutorials on it, but when I posted this pic on Instagram:

Jen's Beachy Curls

You all went crazy for it (thank you, by the way!!) and kept asking how I did it.

I came across this style sort of by fluke. I was searching YouTube for easy ways to curl hair (I’m a child of the 70’s/80’s and I LOVE curly hair and was bored with my usual methods). So, when you guys asked how I did it, I searched high and low for the tutorial, but to no avail.

I was beginning to worry that I was going to have a film a tutorial myself but, believe me, nobody wants that. Ha! Finally, today, I decided to give it one more good ole’ college try. And I found it!!

I love this video because it’s easy, Kayley Melissa is super relatable and totally adorable.

I will say, there are a few things I did differently than Kayley.

  1. I didn’t use any product before styling. Mostly because…I don’t have any. I might spray a fine mist of hairspray afterwards, but that’s it.

2. I use a normal curling iron, I just leave the clamp closed. I suppose you could remove the clamp but since I use my curling iron for more than just this method I leave it on and it works great! I’m using a Remington, that I believe is 1″. If your hair is resistant to holding curl like mine is, you want to keep the wand size 1″ or under. However, I wouldn’t go below 3/4″ or you might get way tighter than you’re hoping.


3. I didn’t pin the curls like she does. I just don’t have time, and it works fine for me without it.

4. I don’t do the head flip. I just let the curls cool completely. Usually I will curl it, then put my makeup on while they cool. The key for me is don’t touch/tussle the curls while they’re warm. That is just asking for curls to immediately fall out. I just let them cool while I do my makeup and then gently tussle my hair at the roots with my fingertips.

So, I hope you enjoy this, and if you try it post a pic and let us see!!


2 thoughts on “How I Curl My Hair: Beachy Waves

  1. Nice hair. I love the beachy waves. Thank you for sharing the video, her tip on how to make those lovely curls are really great. I’ve tried it. 🙂

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