
Calling All Writers!

I only recently started owning the title of writer in my own heart and mind. And the more I talk with other writers, the more I realize the struggle to own that title is not one unique to me.

Earlier in the year, as a way to hone my skills and learn more about the art and business of writing, I took a six-week online course from Ann Swindell called Writing with Grace.

Writing With Grace

We met once a week for just over an hour (and the classes were recorded so you could watch later if you were unable to attend live for some reason) and learned about things like voice, tone, and how to write a good query letter.

There was one thing about the course that surprised me, though. And that was how closely I met Jesus each week. By the time the course was finished, I felt so encouraged and uplifted in my own spiritual walk.

I enrolled in the course to hone my craft and learn more about the business side of writing. But what I gained was so much more than practical tips and helps and valuable insights from professional editors – although those abounded. I gained a closer walk with God, and a deeper understanding of His desire to work through me and the passion for writing He has given me.

If you are looking for a way to better your writing, find your own voice, as well as depend and refresh your walk with God, Writing with Grace is for you. You don’t have to be a professional writer, or even a blogger.

And today through March 15th, registration is open for the next session of Writing With Grace! This will be the only other time she will offer this particular course in 2016, so take advantage of it now – I promise you won’t regret it!

And, for all my lovely readers out there, use code JENN10 when you register and receive 10% off your registration fee! (And when you use that code, I earn credit to use towards future classes and/or services with Ann! Win-win!!)

So, what are you waiting for? Head on over the register for Writing With Grace!

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