Life · Writing

The Safety Net of Silence

This has always been a very safe place for us, friends, hasn’t it? We’ve always been able to talk freely, and be vulnerable with one another. We’ve talked about everything from parenting funnies to spiritual constipation to culture shock to hair styles. And we’ve always been there for one another, lifting each other up, encouraging… Continue reading The Safety Net of Silence

What If · Writing

This Gal’s Journey – How I Got Here And Where I’m Going

Adrenaline coursed through my veins and my heart pounded in excitement as I read the professor’s notes on my assignment, “Wow! Great use of detail and description. You should consider pursuing writing as your degree!” The thought took my breath away and excited me. It also made me sad. I knew the chances of making… Continue reading This Gal’s Journey – How I Got Here And Where I’m Going


The Writer’s Battle

*This is a free-write exercise. I was wrestling with all kinds of thoughts and ideas and was getting nowhere. So, I sat down and wrote whatever came. Being a free write, I am publishing it unedited (except for spelling).Thanks to my friend Deborah for the idea of stepping away and just…writing* Words pound in heart… Continue reading The Writer’s Battle