What If · Writing

This Gal’s Journey – How I Got Here And Where I’m Going

Adrenaline coursed through my veins and my heart pounded in excitement as I read the professor’s notes on my assignment,

“Wow! Great use of detail and description. You should consider pursuing writing as your degree!”

The thought took my breath away and excited me. It also made me sad. I knew the chances of making a comfortable living as a writer were slim to none. So, I dismissed the idea altogether.

Even though I had had the same fleeting thought during a creative writing assignment in high school. And even though that one semester of creative writing I was required to take during my freshman year at university energized me more than any other class did, I convinced myself it wasn’t worth it to pursue a degree in English, writing or any of the other language or literary arts. Over the years I’ve wondered once or twice if I had missed my calling.

Having said all of that, I still believe I took the path I was meant to chart. I fully believe if God had wanted me to pursue full-time writing back then, He would have put it more strongly on my heart. I believe I was meant to spend the first three years of university studying exercise science; and I believe I was meant to change to an elementary education major during my junior year – a choice that is serving me well as I serve my family by homeschooling our children during this season of life.

I also believe that God was using those seemingly fleeting moments to plant the seed of a dream in my heart; to ignite a spark, small though it may have been, that He would later fan into a flame of passion for the written word. A deep love, and longing, to express my heart and soul on paper. A calling to encourage others with the same encouragement with which He has blessed me.

It is a dream that lay dormant for many years, drinking deep the waters of my soul and drawing strength from the journey upon which I needed to embark before it was ready to sprout.

The dream first began to shoot tiny, fragile seedlings when the idea for a story lodged itself in the recess of my mind in 2004 when we returned to America after studying abroad in Ireland for two years.

The tender shoots continued to grow in 2010 when I first learned of a new website that was looking for contributing writers. With a heart full of prayer and fingers shaking with fear, I applied and, to my shock and delight, I was accepted as a monthly contributor for The Better Mom. I started my own blog at the same time and those first tiny, fragile leaves unfurled a bit more in the unknown world of blogging and online writing.

Through all of this, I considered myself many things when it came to writing. I saw myself as a blogger, a contributor and scribbler of ideas in the stolen moments that come so few and far between in the life of a young mother with three children under the age of six. There was one title, however, which I revered so very highly that I was hesitant to use it to describe myself. I was afraid I wouldn’t do it justice because it is a title that deserves respect and honor, because with it comes great responsibility.

Over the past three years, as we’ve faced having to leave the home in Ireland we so dearly loved and then make a new home in Vienna, only to have to leave it as well, writing has had to take a back seat. The written word has given way for time to rest, pray, research, recover, relearn, navigate culture shock, navigate new language, and navigate reverse culture shock.

Now, however, I sense the Lord’s leading to once again put fingers to keys, words to paper. I sense Him re-awakening the dream. A dream I had feared was long gone and that would never return. Yet as the dream comes again with new branches, new ideas, and renewed calling, I’m taking time to consider what this space we’ve made here together should be. I’m also praying and mulling over what else He may be cultivating in me.


There are two projects in particular that burn so strongly in my heart and mind that I must pay them heed. These projects may pull me away from other projects more bloggy in nature for a time, but I don’t want to abandon this place – this home, this community – we’ve worked so hard to build here together over the past five years.

This is where you come in.

I’d love to have your input on what brought you to this place; and what keeps you here. What feeds your soul when you come here with your cuppa and your heart open? I’ve put together a short survey I’d really love and value if you took the time to take for me. It only has 5 questions and should only take a minute or two. Simply click here and answer the questions. Thank you!!

In the mean time, I’d like to introduce myself:

Hi. My name is Jennifer, and I am a writer.

4 thoughts on “This Gal’s Journey – How I Got Here And Where I’m Going

  1. Jennifer, I just finished the survey but am not sure it sent… So I wanted to drop you a line in case.

    As a Christian, mother, and fellow blogger you inspire me! I enjoy each blog post and Facebook status I read. Keep writing, girl! 🙂

    1. Hi, Amanda! Thank you so much for taking the time to do the survey and for your sweet, sweet words. It really does mean the world to me! I looked and even though I don’t see names, based on your comment it does look like your submission went through. Thanks again! And you keep writing, too!!

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